Categories: Grammar

Have Got And Have

Sumber Gambar :

A. Have got and have (for possession, relationship, illnesses etc).

You can use have got or (without got). there is no difference in meaning: (Anda bisa menggunakan have got atau (tanpa kata got). Tidak ada perbedaan arti antara have got dan have).

  • They’ve got a new welding machine, or They have a new welding machine. (Mereka mempunyai mesin las baru)
  • Lirna’s got two sisters, or Lirna has two sisters. (Lirna mempunyai dua saudari)
  • I’ve got a stomachache or I have a stomachache. (Saya sakit perut)
  • Our workshop has got a small garden or our workshop has a small garden. (Bengkel kami mempunyai kebun/taman kecil)
  • Jane’s got a few serious problems or Jane has serious problems. (Jane mempunya sedikit masalah serius)

With this meaning (Possession etc), you can use continuous forms (am having, etc) : (Dengan arti, anda dapat menggunakan bentuk continuous) :

  • They are having breakfast. They’ve got / They have delicius food in the villa. ( not they are having delicious food in the Villa). (Mereka sedang sarapan. Mereka mempunyai makanan yang lezat)

For the past we use had (without got). (Bentuk lampau, kita menggunakan had).

  • Lirna had long hair when she was a girl. (not Lirna had got). (Lirna mempunyai rambut panjang ketika dia masih kecil).

B. In questions, and negative sentences, there are three possible forms :

  • Have you got any questions? or I have got any questions. (Apakah anda mempunyai pertay atau saya mempunyai pertanyaan-pertanyaan)
  • So you have any questions? or I don’t have any questions. (Jadi, anda mempunyai pertanyaan atau saya tidak mempunyai pertanyaan).
  • Have you got any questions (less usual) or I haven’t any questions (less usual) (apakah anda mempunyai pertanyaan atau saya tidak mempunyai pertanyaan-pertanyaan).
  • Has Santi got a hacksaw? or Santi hasn’t got a hacksaw. (Apaakh Santi mempunyai gergaji besi atau Santi tidak mempunyai gergaji besi).
  • Has Mr. Tom a laptop? or Mr. Tom hasn’t a laptop. (Apakah tuan John mempuyai laptop atau tuan Tom tidak mempunyai laptop).

In past question and negative sentences, we use did/didn’t. (Dalam bentuk kalimat tanya dan kalimat negatif, kita menggunakan did/didn’t).

  • Did you have spare part of this motorcycle when you were living in Sentani?. (Apakah anda mempunyai bagian-bagian dari sepeda motor ini ketika anda tinggal di Sentani?).
  • I didn’t have money with me, so I didn’t buy anything. (Saya tidak mempunyai uang, sehingga saya tidak membeli apapun).
  • Lirna had toolbox, didn’t she?. (Lirna mempunya kotak Lat, kan?).

C. Have breakfast / have a bath / have a good quality time, etc.

We also use have (but not have got) dor many actions and experience. For example :

  • I have a cup of coffee
  • She has a new hand drill

Have got is not possible in the expressions in the box. Compare:

  • Sometimes I have  (eat) boil cassava for lunch (not I’ve got)

but, I’ve got / I have some boiled cassava. Would you like some?

You can use continuous forms (am having etc)with the expressions in the box :

  • We are enjoying our job. We’re having many projects. (not we have)
  • Michael is having a dine at the moment. He has boiled cassava and vegetables

in questions and negative sentences, we use do/does/did :

  • We don’t usually have big breakfast (not usually haven’t)
  • What time does Mr. John have lunch (not has Mr. John lunch).

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This post was published on 26 Agustus 2021 10:06 pm

Delyana Tonapa

I am Delyana

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