Hi. Salam Sehat.
Selamat datang para Mahasiswa yang hebat. Apa kabar kalian. Ibu berharap kalian sehat dan tetap semangat. Ibu juga berharap, belajar dari rumah bukanlah penghalang untuk tetap belajar. Jangan jadikan Pandemi ini sebagai penghalang untuk giat belajar.
Materi kuliah Bahasa Inggris pertama adalah Introduction.
Introduction is trying or making to know something or someone at the first time. It divides into two topics, namely : Introducing myself and Introducing others.
On this meeting, we are going to discuss self introduction. It tells who you are. When you introduce yourself, you can use formal and informal expressions.
They are :
It is used when you introduce yourself in a conference, formal meeting or to someone older or higher position than you
It is used when you introduce yourself to someone who has the same age with you.
Basic Questions to answer are :
General Self Introduction
Task I
Complete the empty spaces (Type/write in paragraph) you can add some of your information.
Task 2.
Introduce yourself. Record and send it to your college teacher.
Baca dan Tonton Juga :
This post was published on 22 Agustus 2020 7:25 pm
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