Categories: Grammar

If I Knew, I Wish I Knew

Sumber Gambar :

Hi, students. Kali ini kita akan belajar grammar atau tata bahasa. tentang apa?, yuk simak.

Study this example situation: (Pelajarilah contoh situasi berikut ini)

  • Yakomina wants to phone Kilma, but she can’t do this because she doesn’t know his number. (Yakomina ingin menelfon Kilma, tetapi dia tidak bisa telfon, karena dia tidak tau nomor telfonnya).

She says. (dia berkata).

“If I knew his number. (this tells us that she doesn’t know his number. She is imagining the situation) 

The real situation is that she doesn’t know his number.

When you imagine situation, you use if + past (if I knew/if I were/if I didn’t, etc). but the meaning is present, not past. (ketika anda membayangkan situasi, anda menggunakan If + past).

Example :

  • It’s a pity you can’t find the problem of your computer, it would be useful if you could.
  • If you were a technician, would you fix this broken photocopy machine?.
  • We wouldn’t have any money if we didn’t work. (but we work). (Maksud kalimat ini, kalau kami tidak bekerja kami tidak punya uang. Tapi kenyataannya kami bekerja)
  • If I didn’t want to adjust this bolt, I wouldn’t do (but I want to do (adjust)).
  • Mr. Torius would give more hand if he had more time. (but he doeasn’t have much time). (Sebenarnya, Tuan Torius mau bantu lagi, jika dia punya banyak waktu) (kenyataanya dia tidak punya banyak waktu)
  • We use the past in the same way after wish (I wish I knew/I wish you were, etc)
  • I wish I knew Nana’s Intagram account (I don’t know it) (saya berharap saya tau akun Instagramnya Nana, kenyataannya saya tidak tau akun Instagramnya)
  • Do you ever wish you could build wall? (You can’t build). (Apakah kamu pernah berharap bisa membuat dinding?) kenyataannya kamu tidak bisa
  • It’s very crowded, I wish there weren’t so many visitor here
  • If I were/If I was

After if and wish, you could use were instead if was (if I were/If I wish it were etc). I was/it was are also possible. So you can say:

  • If I were carpenter, I would build a modern chicken coop.
  • I wish Mr. Jojon were here to explain the aim of English Vocation.
  • If I  were you, I wouldn’t take the project. (if I were you bisa menggunakan if i was you)
  • We do not normally use would inbthe if-part of the sentence or after wish:
  • If I were rich, I would have big workshop (not if I would be rich).
  • I wish I had something to read. (not I wish i would have).

Sometimes wish ….would is possible :

  • I wish you would listen.
  • I wish you would pleasant to work here
  • Would sometimes means ‘would be able to’ and sometimes ‘was/were abke to’:
  • You could get a better project if you make spectacular presentation (you could get = you would be able to and you could use = you were able to use)

Nah, demikianlah sedikit uraian tentang penggunaan If I knew ….I wish I knew…… (if and wish bagian 1).

Baca Juga :

  1. If I do …and if I did
  2. If I knew ….and I wish I knew
  3. If I had known ….I wish I had known
  4. Some and any
  5. Singular and plural nouns

This post was published on 13 Agustus 2021 7:21 pm

Delyana Tonapa

I am Delyana

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