Zaman informasi, telephone, dalam hal ini telephone genggam merupakan salah satu kebutuhan yang tidak bisa terlepas dari kegiatan manusia. Bisa dikatakan bahwa telephone sudah menjadi kebutuhan pokok hampir semua orang.
Untuk pembelajaran bahasa Inggris kelas XI SMA/SMK, telephoning merupakan materi yang wajib diajarkan. Topic ini penting untuk percakapan sehari-hari. ungkapan-ungkapan materi ini diajarkan, agar siswa (i) dapat menguasai ungkapan dalam menggunakan telfon.
Materi ini masuk pada Kompetensi Dasar 3.15 dengan tujuan pembelajaran adalah :
Sebelum lanjut yuk simak penjelasan di video berikut ini :
Ms. Regit : Good morning. I am Ms. Regita’s speaking. Could I help you?
Ms. Georgy : I am Georgy from Mega Furniture. I’d like to speak to Mr. Thomas. Is he at the offine now?
Ms. Regita : Yes he is.
Ms. Georgy : I am his old friend Of Mr. Thomas. Please told me that I could contact him through your company
Ms. Regita : Ok. Just a moment, please.
Ms. Regita : Good morning Mr. Thomas. Ms. Georgy is on the line. She needs to talk to you.
Mr. thomas : Sorry Ms. Regita. I am busy now. Please tell her to call me in an hour.
Ms. Regita : All right Sir, I’ll tell her
Ms. Regita : I am sorry Ms. Georgy. Mr. Thomas is busy at the moment. Please call him in an hour.
Ms. Georgy : Well, Ms. Regita. Thank you.
Ms. Regita : You are welcome.
Reported Speech.
Example :
Tipe Reported Speech
We reported command. Imperative sentence do not use subject , so Verb in direct imperative does not change. Verb in indirect become ‘to Invinitive’.
Positive Imperative
Direct Indirect
Victor said “Go away!” He oredered/told me to go away
“Come on time!” He asked/commanded him/them to come on time
Teacher said “be silent” Teacher begged/suggested us to be silent
He begged “Be happy” He warned people to be happy
Negative Imperative
Robert Said, “Don’t go away!” Robert told/ordered us o not go away
“Don’t come late!” Regita asked/commanded us not come late.
I said, “Don’t be lazy!” I begged/sugested you not to be lazy
He begged, “Don’t be over” John warned us not to be over
Direct | Indirect |
1 You My Our your | He/she Me/he/she/them/I/him/her His/her Their/our My/his/her |
Direct | Indirect |
Now Today Tomorrow
| Then
That day The next day The day after The following day A day later |
Direct | Indirect |
Present tense Present continuous Present perfect Present perfect continuous | Past tense Past continuous Past perfect Past perfect continuous |
Example :
3. Interrogative (Question)
a. Auxiliary
Direct Indirect
George : ‘Can you help me?’ George asked if/whether I could help him
Gita : ‘May I borrow your pen?’ Gita asked if/whether she may borrowed your pen
b. Question words (QW)
Direct Indirect
Beto : ‘How do you do it’ Beto asked how I did it
Markus : Where do you live?’ Markus asked me where I lived
Baca Juga :
This post was published on 14 Agustus 2020 7:42 pm
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