Materi Asking For And Giving Direction

Sumber Gambar :

Dengan perkembangan teknologi, segala hal bisa dilakukan dengan cepat dan mudah. Termasuk dengan mencari alamat yang belum diketahui. Contoh : jika ada orang yang tidak tau alamat yang ingin mereka tuju, atau bahkan tersesat, mereka cendrung menggunakan peta lokasi (Google Maps). Dimana hal ini berbanding terbalik sebelum aplikasi canggih itu hadir. Dulu, orang akan memilih untuk bertanya.

Ada istilah ‘malu bertanya sesat di jalan’ hehehehe, yap,  bertanya adalah keputusan  yang tepat.

Namun kira-kira untuk menanyakan arah (asking for direction) dan menunjukan arah (giving direction) dalam bahasa inggris apa, yah?, yuk simak penjelasannya  di video berikut ini :

Asking for Direction

Asking direction adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menanyakan arah.

Expressing atau ungkapan yang sering digunakan adalah :

Formal :

  • Excuse me, Could you tell me where the shopping center here, please?
  • I’m lost. Would you like to explain the location of SMK exhibition, please?
  • Could you tell me please, I am looking for the  hospital.
  • Sorry, I am not from around here, Could you tell me the way to Horizon Hotel, please?
  • Excuse me madam/sir, I seemed to be lost. What is the best way to get to west Koya, please?

Informal :

  • How do I get to the cafeteria?
  • Is there a drugstore near here?
  • Can you show me where Susi live?
  • May you show me where the traditional market is?

Giving Direction

Giving direction adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberikan arah.

Expressing atau ungkapan yang sering digunakan adalah :

  • It’s the way
  • Turn left/ turn right …..
  • Go straight ahead for about two miles
  • Keep going straight ahead, you will find it on the left
  • Turn left/right at the second turning
  • It’s in front of……
  • It’s next to…….
  • I can show you where the post office is
  • I can take you to to the …….

Contoh Percakapan :

Rewar : Excuse me sir, I am not from this town. I’d like to go back to my hotel. Would you mind explaining how to go to Abepura Hotel, please?

Mr. Christ: Sure. Go along this street then take the second turn. Go straight ahead until you find traffic lights. Turn right and go straight ahead,  in a few minutes you’ll see Ramayana mall on your left, go straight ahead again, around 3 minutes you’ll find it on your right.

Rewar : Thank you for the information, sir.

Mr. Christ : You are welcome.

Note :

Materi ini tidak hanya menunjukan lokasi tempat umum, jalan, alamat, tetapi juga untuk menjelaskan letak atau lokasi benda seperti: di atas, di bawah, di sebelah, sebelum, sesudah, diantara dan lain – lain (preposition) 

Preposition of Direction

  • They are riding a bicycle along the bridge
  • Naura is hiding under my desk
  • My house is close to the school
  • Blue cafe is opposite the police office
  • Your projects are in my drawer
  • My father sits before your father


 Contoh Percakapan :

Samon : Do you know where my book is?

Regita : It’s right beside Jona.

Samon : No, it is not. I mean English book

Regita : It’s on my table. You left it, when you came to do some tasks.

Samon : Thank you for your information.

Regita : You are welcome.


This post was published on 1 Februari 2021 6:21 pm

Delyana Tonapa

I am Delyana

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