Materi Plans And Intentions

Sumber Gambar :

Answer these questions orally!

  1. Do you have any plan after Coronavirus gone?
  2. What’s your plan tomorrow?
  3. What would you like to do on the long weekend?
  4. Will you go fishing?
  5. Are you going to visit Kayu Pulo after official announcement next week?

Setelah kalian menjawab soal diatas, kira-kira apa yang kalian fikirkan?,  Apakah materi ini ada hubungannya dengan masa depan?, Apakah grammar yang cocok untuk materi ini?

Yap, I know, you are smart guys. Materi Plans and Intentions adalah materi yang  membahas tentang sesuatu yang direncanakan akan dilakukan pada waktu mendatang . Misalnya :

  1. Besok, saya akan menghubungi Guru Matematika untuk menanyakan tugas nomor 7
  2. Kami akan pergi mengunjungi kakek di kampung setelah pembatasan waktu berakhir.
Expressing Plans and Expressing Intention and Grammar Focus
  1. Expressing of Plans

It tells activities in the future that might change. (it is not sure or just predictions)

  • I will come to you
  • She will finish this project soon
  • They will tell the truth
  • I know, my parents won’t let me go
  • We won’t miss this movie

Future Tense






     will not (won’t)




practice bake cookies







  1. Expressing of Intentions

It tells activities which has been quite definite to be done in the future. (it is sure)

  • I am going to Sentani this afternoon
  • She is going to pick you up
  • Rina and Sinta are going to invite you
  • You aren’t going to visit them
  • This year, I am going to stop eating fats

Future Tense



am not




     going to









is not (isn’t)





are not (aren’t)

Read the following conversation bellow

A long weekend is coming. Riri, Santi, and Bayu are talking about their holiday plans. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation of the dialog below.

Riri      : It will be a long weekend soon. Do you have any plans?
Santi    : Uhm, I’m not sure. I don’t have any idea yet. I think I might stay at home.
Bayu    : Stay at home? Well, you could do something more interesting!
Santi    : So, what about you Bayu? Do you have any plans?
Bayu    : Definitely! My dad and I are going to go fishing.
Santi    : Fishing? Are you going to go fishing in the river near your house?
Bayu    : No. We plan to go fishing in a lake near my uncle’s house. Would you like  to come with us?
Santi    : Fishing? That sounds great. But I would rather stay at home than go fishing

Bayu    : What about you, Riri? What would you like to do on the long weekend?
Riri      : I have made a plan with my mother about what to do on this long weekend.  We are going to practice baking cookies.
Santi    : That sounds like a very good plan!
Bayu    : Are you going to bake choco chips cookies like the last time?
Riri      : Well, yes. That is my favorite. But we will also try to make ginger cookies.
Santi    : Lucky you. Your mom is a real baker, isn’t she?
Bayu    : Ha ha, ha. Do you still want to stay home alone?
Riri      : Or, would you like to join me to learn baking cookies? You can come to my house.

Bayu    : It’s a good idea! Or will you go fishing with me and my dad?
Santi     : I think I would like to bake cookies with Riri. Thanks for  inviting   me, Riri.
Riri       : No problem. I will tell you the time on Friday.
Santi    : Thanks a lot. I can’t wait to join you.
Bayu    : Have a nice long weekend, everyone.
Riri, Santi : You too.

 Taken from  Buku Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK  Kemendikbud 2014 Semester 1

Baca Juga :

  1. Congratulations
  2. Soal-Soal Congratulations

This post was published on 31 Agustus 2020 8:02 pm

Delyana Tonapa

I am Delyana

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