Materi Narrative Text

Sumber Gambar:

Hi, Students. Apa kabar?. Semoga baik-baik saja.

Pada kesempatan ini, kita akan membahas salah satu teks narasi. Salah satu bentuk cerita yang sering kalian dengar sejak kecil. Jenis teks cerita yang paling digemari oleh anak-anak, sehingga jenis teks cerita  ini sangat melekat diingatan mereka, bahkan tidak sedikit diantara mereka berfikir bahwa cerita ini benar adanya.

Narative Text Expressions

Teks Naratif (Narrative Text). Teks ini sangat mudah diketahui karena identik dengan ungkapan-ungkapan sebagai berikut :

  • Long, long ago, long time ago……
  • Once upon a time ……
  • One day that …..
  • Then …
  • After that ….
  • Meanwhile ….
  • Eventually ….
  • Finally ….
Definition and Purpose

Teks Naratif  adalah teks berupa cerita imajinasi atau fiktif (tidak nyata), seperti:

  • Legenda (legend). (Legenda Bunga Sakura, Legenda Pulau Giliraja, etc..)
  • Dongeng (fairy tale), (Si Kura-kura yang sombong, Kancil dan buaya, etc…)
  • Cerita rakyat (folktale), (Asal mula selat Bali, Roro Jongrang, Timun emas, etc…)
  • Mitos (myth)  (Sangkuriang, Tangkuban Perahu),  atau
  • Fable (fabel) (Tupai yang sombong, Kancil pencuri).

Jenis teks cerita ini tidak sulit untuk mengarangnya, bahkan para orangtua mampu membuat/mengarang cerita bentuk narative yang tujuannya untuk menghibur dan mendidik anak-anak mereka melalui pesan moral dalam cerita tersebut.

Dari penjelasan diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks Naratif adalah  berupa cerita yang tujuannya hanya untuk menghibur pembaca. (To amuse/entertain the readers and to tell a story).

Generic Structure

Teks Naratif umumnya memiliki struktur :

  • Orientation, Pendahuluan berupa tokoh (pemeran dalam cerita), waktu dan tempat
  • Complication/Crisis, Pengembangan konflik/masalah
  • Resolution, langkah yang diambil untuk menyelesaikan masalah/konflik
  • Coda, Perubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh, serta pelajaran yang bisa dipetik dari cerita (optional).
Essential Grammar

Teks Naratif sering menggunakan unsur kebahasaan tertentu, antara lain :

  • Simple past tense
  • Action Verb. Kata kerja menunjukkan peristiwa, misalnya Stayed, climbed, killed etc
  • Saying verb and thinking verb. Kata kerja menunjukan pelaporan atau ujaran, misalnya said, told, understood, thought, promised, etc
  • Time connective. Untuk mengurutkan kejadian, misalnya after, before, soon, then, etc….

Baca Juga :


The Mermaid


Orientation Long time ago there was a princess who was suffer of the witch’s magic.

Actually, the princess was very beautiful and kind person. Anybody loved her except her sister who was so jealous of her.

If the princess still had her beauty, so every prince would prefer to marry her rather than her sister.

Complication One day, the sister ordered a witch to change the princess beauty into an ugly face.

The witch gave a bottle of poison to her to be added into the princess food. That poison would change princess’ appearance into an ugly one.

At the evening when the dinner started, the sister added the poison into the food for the princess. Nobody knew about that. The princess ate her food without noticed that there was a danger inside her food.

After eating, in the night, the princess’ skin was blister. The princess felt hurt and she cried to ask for a help.

No one could help her even the physicians in that kingdom. The princess was looked so scary like a monster. She was so sad and shy because anybody was afraid of her. Then she ran away and away from the kingdom.

She walked alone through the deep forest day and night. She was like a monster so that no animal or predator was brave to close to her. That made her more and more sad.

She walked until she reached a beach and then she felt so tired because she never had a rest from walking.

Resolution At that beach she began to sleep. She did not realized that she had been sleeping for three months and she woke up because there was a very handsome man come and woke her up.

“Wake up dear poor princes.” The man said.

“Oh, who are you? Why are you not afraid of me?” the princess asked.

“I am the king of the sea. You have been sleeping here for three months in suffer. So, it is the time for me to help you. I will give back your beauty but after that you will never get your previous life.” The man said.

“Oh, my lord, you are so kind. I have lost my previous life so I like to have the new life. What should I do my lord?” the princess asked.

“Follow me to come closer to the sea.”

The princess followed that man walked into the sea. After touching the sea, the princess’ beauty was back to her. She also amazed that the half of her body was a fish body.

“Now you cannot stay at the land dear princess, you will forever live in the sea like the fish. But don’t be sad. I will marry you and you will be the queen in my kingdom.” The man said.

Since that, the princess never went back to the land. The king of the sea married her and she became the queen of the sea.

Sometimes she appeared at the corral to see the sun. Some tailors or fisherman who had ever seen her called her a mermaid.

This post was published on 26 November 2020 6:34 pm

Delyana Tonapa

I am Delyana

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