Setelah kita membahas materi teks biography, sekarang kita akan lanjut dengan soal-soal, tapi bagi kalian yang belum melihat penjelasan materinya, silahkan KESINI.
A.Read the text and choose the best answer: A, B, C, D, E.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived between 1756 and 1791. He is one of the most famous composers ever to live. You can hear his music almost everywhere today – in TV commercials, movies, mobile phone ringtones, and of course concert halls. He composed over 600 works ranging from symphonies, piano concertos, operas and choral music. Many musicians and music experts say he was a musical genius.
Mozart was born into a musical family in Salzburg, Austria. His father worked for the local orchestra, taught the violin and was a composer. Mozart started learning the keyboard when he was three and composed his first pieces of music aged five. His father soon became unable to keep up with his son’s outstanding talents.
Between the ages of six and seventeen, Mozart went on tours of Europe with his family. He performed in front of royalty and met many great musicians. He also studied the works of the great composers, including Johan Bach, who he met in London in 1764 and 1765. By his mid-teens, Mozart had established himself throughout Europe as an up-and-coming composer.
Mozart moved to Vienna and started composing some of his finest works, including the opera “The Marriage of Figaro”. He married, had two children and lived quite a lavish lifestyle. He worked non-stop producing music that is studied by students all over the world today. He continues to be one of the greatest influences on classical music.
1.When did he start learning music?
2. What proves that Wolfgang was a musical genius?
3. Which one is correct about his father?
4. What is the synonym ‘outstanding’ paragraph 2.
5. Which is NOT Wolfgang Mozart’s legacy for us today?
B. Complete the sentences using the correct past form.
1. She ……. be) born in London
2. We …..(meet) Prince William last week in Jakarta
3. She ……(become) a manager in one of the big hotel in Jayapura
4. Last meeting, He ….(give) us many kinds fruits from Sentani
5. They ….(prepare) out meeting last night.
This post was published on 4 Februari 2021 7:41 pm
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