Soal-Soal Descriptive Text

Sumber Gambar :

1. Look at the words below. Do you know the meaning? Check your dictionary.

  1. Plump
  2. Tall
  3. Shy
  4. Smart
  5. Generous
  6. Round face
  7. Flat nose
  8. Skinny
  9. Stubborn
  10. Helpful
  11. Short
  12. Slim
  13. Fat
  14. Naughty
  15. Diligent
  16. Busy
  17. Long hair
  18. Beautiful
  19. Dirty
  20. Easy
  1. Read the following text, observe the adjectives in the reading text below.

Dinda is good looking. She is not too tall, she is always cheerful. She is also friendly and likes to make friends with anyone. Like many other girls, she is also talkactive. She likes to share her thoughts and feelings to her friends. I think many friends enjoy her company, However, she can be a bit childish sometimes. For example, when she doesn’t get what she wants, she acts like a child and stamps her feet.

Sumber : Buku SMA/SMK Bahasa Inggris kemendikbud RI 2014. P. 61

 3. Read the text and answer the questions below.

My Best Friend

I have a lot of friends in my school, but Dinda has been my best friend since junior high school. We don’t study in the same class, but we meet at school every day during recess and after school. I first met her at junior high school orientation and we’ve been friends ever since.

Dinda is good-looking. She’s not too tall, with fair skin and wavy black hair that she often puts in a ponytail. At school, she wears the uniform. Other than that, she likes to wear jeans, casual t-shirts and sneakers. Her favorite t-shirts are those in bright colors like pink, light green and orange. She is always cheerful. She is also very friendly and likes to make friends with anyone. Like many other girls, she is also talkative. She likes to share her thoughts and feelings to her friends. I think that’s why many friends enjoy her company. However, she can be a bit childish sometimes. For example, when she doesn’t get what she wants, she acts like a child and stamps her feet.

Dinda loves drawing, especially the manga characters. She always has a sketchbook with her everywhere she goes. She would spend some time to draw the manga characters from her imagination. Her sketches are amazingly great. I’m really glad to have a best friend like Dinda.

Sumber : Buku SMA/SMK Bahasa Inggris kemendikbud RI 2014.p.58.

  1. Who is being described in the text?
  2. How long have the writer and Dinda been friends?
    3. What does Dinda looklike?
    4. What are her favourite clothes?
    5. What kind of t-shirts does she like?
    6. Describe Dinda’s personality briefly.
    7. Why do many friends enjoy Dinda’s company?
    8. What is Dinda’s bad habit?
    9. What is Dinda’s hobby?
    10.How does the writer feel about Dinda?

4. Make 5 simple present sentences that using verb and adjectives






 5. Think one of your friend or family and describe him/her.

 6. Re-read the text on task 3, record and send it to your teacher.

This post was published on 4 September 2020 8:10 pm

Delyana Tonapa

I am Delyana

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