A. Put the verb in the brackets into the correct forms: ‘will’ or ‘going to’
B. Read the text below and change future intention (going to) into expressing of plans (will).
Family Time This month, we are going to visit some interesting places in Jayapura. My grand parents are going to invite our relatives who live in Sentani. My uncle, Geno is going to drive us to coast. The drive is going to take 30 minutes. I am going to sit in the front and my cousin is going to sit in the back. I am going to turn on musics as my grand parents request. When we get there, we are going to swim, take lots pictures, grill fishes and have lunch together. I can not wait.
C. Make 5 sentences to describe a promise you will make to yourself as student.
Example : I will study hard
D. Choose the correct below
1.Tom : Why do you look so stressed?
Jane : I am going to be punished if I don’t finish tis Math project by tomorrow
Tom : I thought you had a week to finish it.
Jane : I know, but I’d been so busy.
Tom : ………………..
kika: I am going to go to Pulau Debi
Complete the dialog above with the correct expression!
Yuna : I do not know.
Jefri : I have a plan. I will tell her to visit our home if she visit our village.
Yuna : ……………………….
Melvi : What will happened to the presentation report?
Jojo : …………………………
This post was published on 3 September 2020 7:50 pm
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