Read the following text and answer the question 1 to 5
Holiday to Koya
Last week, my family and I went to Koya for fishing. On the way , we stopped by buying some worms as fish bait. When we got to one of the resort, we ordered some foods and beverages like lalapan, Papeda, juice, tea and coffee. I and my brother ordered dragon juice.
There were many huts for visitors. We got number 10 and 11. We chose them, because they were not too far from the toilet.
Before having lunch, we fished, sang together and took many pictures. We got a bucket fishes, a bag of corns and nuts. We went home at 04.00 P.M .
1. The text above mainly discusses about……..
2. Why did they stop by?
3. What did the writer order?
4. What did the writer and her family do in Koya?
5. When did they go home?
Read the following text and answer the question 6 to 10
People in Kotaraja Dalam thought that five burglars started stealing at Furia street on Monday morning. The burglars broke fence of one the big house and stole two motorcycles. After that, they bought alcohol and drank. The host never thought that while they slept, burglars would break the fence and stole their vehicle.
6. The communicative purpose of this text is………
7. The text is in form of a/an………
8. When did it happen?
9. Where did it take place?
10. The lexico grammatical features are mostly written in………..
This post was published on 13 November 2020 6:24 pm
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