Kita sudah membahas materi the degree of comparison (tingkat perbandingan), jika pembahasannya terlewati, silahkan kunjungi DISINI.
Sekarang kita akan melihat bentuk soal-soal materi ini. Bentuk soalnya pilihan ganda dan esay. Pilihan ganda terdiri dari, melengkapi dialog, menentukan maksud, kesimpulan dari sebuah dialog, dan berikut contoh soalnya :
Incomplete Dialog.
Questions 1 to ………….: Choose the best answer A, B, C, D, or E to complete each dialog.
1.Mena : What do you know about Mena?
Yona : He is as generous as you.
Mena : You are right. ………………………… He always help his neighbor to clean drains near her house and buy some foods for them.
2. Teacher : …………………….
Melna : The highest mountain in Indonesia is Jayawijaya
Teacher : You are, Melna.
3. Gatot : Why did you study at Vocational high school?
Angel : I Studied at vocational high school because the students ……………
4. Juna : We need a application for webinar next month.
Toni : Why don’t we use Zoom or You Tube application?………
5. Aunty : How much the price of this tomatoes
Seller : It’s Rp. 15,000,00
Aunty : How about Rp. 10.000, 00?
Seller : I am sorry……………………
Reading Comprehension
Questions 11 to 19 refer to the dialog. You have to choose the best answer A, B, C, D, or E to each question about the dialog.
6. Yakoba : Good Morning, Sir. May I have a ticket to Wamena for tomorrow, please?
Travel Agent : Sure. Wings Air is Rp500.000, MAF is Rp 575.000,- and Trigana Air is Rp 550.000,-.
Yakoba : Alright, I buy Trigana flight ticket then.
From the dialog above, we can conclude that … .
7. Jojo :I think Mathematics is the hardest subject at school
Rona : I think so. We should take match private course.
From the dialog above, we can conclude that … .
8. Tania : How about your new job.
Michael : Well, It’s better than my Job when I lived in Sentani. It’s challenge me to do my best.
What does the dialog tell us about?
9. Seva : Who is your favorite singer?
Rafa : Afgan. He has character voice, what about you?
Seva : I appreciate it, but I love Christina Aguilera.
She has mezzo-soprano type voice .
Who is Rafa favorite singer?
10.George : My school is 3 Km from here
Putu : My school is 4 Km from here
Semina : My school is also 6 km from here
Reba : My school is 5 Km from here
From the dialog above, we can conclude that … .
Answer the questions below
1.Find two or three things around you then compare them
2. Compare the situation before Pandemic Covid-19 and
when Pandemic Covid-19 is exist
This post was published on 31 Januari 2021 7:07 pm
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