Materi Dan Soal Cause Effect Vokasi

Sumber Gambar :

Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut :

  • Lili tidak patuh protokol kesehatan, akibatnya dia terindikasi tertular virus Covid-19,
  • Merina tidak naik kelas karena tidak belajar selama study from home,
  • Saat pengumpulan tugas gambar, hasil pekerjaan Joni dan Wily sama, akibatnya Guru memberikan tugas tambahan yang lebih rumit.

Dari contoh di atas, kira-kira apa yang anda fikirkan?

Yap, beberapa contoh kalimat di atas adalah contoh kalimat sebab akibat. Secara tidak sadar, kita sering gunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari, bukan?

Ini adalah materi Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa (i) SMK kelas XII. Materi ini sudah pernah dibahas di :

  1. Materi Cause And Effect
  2. Soal-Soal Cause And Effect 1
  3. Soal-Soal Cause And Effect 2

Materi Cause And Effect kali ini sedikit berbeda dengan materi sebelumnya. Perbedaannya adalah materi Cause And Effect sebelumnya membahas hal umum, sedangkan materi sebab akibat yang akan dibahas kali ini, memiliki unsur kejuruan atau bahasa Inggris vokasi atau yang lebih kita  kenal Bahasa Inggris terapan.

Yuk, kita mulai, tapi simak penjelasan cause and effect berikut ini :


Cause and effect consists of two sentences, action and reaction.  Atau cause and effect (kalimat sebab akibat) terdiri dari dua kalimat yang menyatakan kegiatan atau aksi dan aksi menyebabkan atau menimbulkan reaksi.

Function And Example

1. Menggunakan kata atau phrase seperti : Because of, Because, Due to, Owing to, Thanks to, As a consequence of, As a result of, etc.

Example :

  1. Our failure due to lack of practice and support from the trainers
  2. We can’t fix this brake  at all because of the broken bake disk or rotor
  3. Owing to his interest in drawing, he aspires to be a drafter
  4. Thanks to all the support given to me, I’ve gotten back my tool box
  5. As a consequence of the Pandemic,  students can’t practice at the workshop at all.
  6. As a result of the flood, we canceled the project
  7. She can’t bring the hammer and the hack saw because  his father keep them somewhere.

2. Menggunakan signal words/phrases because of, thanks to, as a result of, due to, as a consequence of dan owing to apabila diikuti oleh noun dan verb.

Example : 

1. Mr. Bertonius is late to school because of the rain

  • Signal phrase: Because of
  • Cause: The rain
  • Effect : Mr. Bertonius is late to school

3. Digunakan pada pola “Signal Word/Phrase + Cause + Effect”.

Example :

  1. Due to the Pandemic, we study from home until the end of this month
  • Signal phrase: Due to
  • Cause: The Pandemic
  • Effect : we study from home until the end of this month

Task (Tugas)

A. Read the following items, then identify the cause and the effect in each one. 

  1. If you turn on the machine, it will work
  2. I skipped count the bricks, so I knocked the wall down
  3. They lose the bolts, the car can be repaired
  4. The light is off, we can not intall the document
  5. I can’t draw my project, I left my lapotop

B. Complete the sentences below.

  1. Cause : The sand paper 24 is out of stock. Effect ………
  2. Effect : The machine does not work. Cause :
  3. Cause : The traffict light. Effect ………
  4. Cause : Voltmeter can’t be used to measure electrical potential difference between two points in an electric circuit. Effect : ….
  5. Effect : we use modem to modulate an analog carrier signal to carry digital information. Cause :….

C. Make sentences using

  1. Due to
  2. Because of
  3. Because
  4. As a result of
  5. Owing to

This post was published on 24 Juli 2021 6:15 pm

Delyana Tonapa

I am Delyana

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