Soal-Soal Formal Invitation

Setelah penjelasan tentang materi “formal Invitation”, sekarang kalian akan mengerjakan tugas-tugas tentang materi tersebut, namun jika kalian memiliki pertanyaan tentang penjelasan materi lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi no kontak atau kembali di sini.
A. Find out the differences and similarities of the invitations below.
YOU ARE INVITED TO FORMAL DINNER HOSTED BY : PENINA WANGGAI September 25th, 2020 06.30 P.M – 09.00 P.M At Horison Restaurant Jayapura Reservation to Penina 081224228224 |
JOIN US FOR A BRIDAL SHOWER In Honor of Melinda Rumbiak Sep 26th, 2020 The bridal Place 09.00 A.M Grand Abe Hotel |
OSIS SMK NEGERI 3 JAYAPURA Jalan Raya Abepura Kotaraja Luar Abepura, Jayapura
September 24th, 2020 No. : 19/OSIS/SMK /VII /2020 To: OSIS SMK 3 JAYAPURA Regarding the work program OSIS 2020/2021 period, then we hereby invite you to be present at : Day/Date : Monday/September 28 th, 2020 Time : 08.00 A.M – end Venue : Hall School Event : Meeting OSIS
Chairman of The OSIS, Prisillia Sitorus |
B. Identify the invitation above, read them all, record and send to your teacher.
C. Create formal invitation with your own words