Her Hobby Is Reading Books

Tujuan pembelajaran topik ini adalah setelah mempelajarinya, diharapkan anda mampu menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan untuk :
- memperkenalkan orang lain
- menanyakan identitas orang lain
- menjawab pertanyaan tentang identitas orang lain.
Memperkenalkan orang lain. Materi ini adalah masih bagian dari materi “Introduction” . Pertemuan sebelumnya, kita sudah membahas (Personal information atau self- introduction), now we are going to talk “Introducing others”.
Dialogue 1.
Mayang : Hi. Are you a new student here. I haven’t seen you before. I am Mayang
Jany : Hello. I am Jany. You are right. I am a new student here.
Mayang : Where do you live?
Jany : I live in Kotaraja luar, and you?
Mayang : I live in Jayapura at Percetakan street.
Dialogue 2.
Jack : Good Morning Mr. Gamara.
Mr. Gamara : Good morning, Philip.
Jack : Good morning. How are you?
Mr. Gamara : Fine, thank you. And you?
Jack : I’m very well. Thank you. I’d like to introduce new student. Her name’s Jonathan. He is a new student at my class.
Mr. Gamara : Hello, Jonathan. Nice to meet you.
Jonathan : Nice to meet you too.
- Dari dua percakapan singkat di atas, apakah kalian bisa membedakannya?
Have you ever introduce someone to someone else? Ya, mungkin, memperkenalkan teman kepada teman yang lain atau kepada keluarga? Atau teman kepada rekan kerja?. Apa yang kalian katakan jika ingin memperkenalkan rekan kerja kepada saudari kalian?. Yah, mungkin kalian akan katakan ”I’d like to introduce you to my sister, Bahlina”. Expression ini hampir sama dengan dialogue 2.
Sama seperti materi pertama, bahwa expression dalam memperkenalkan ada dua bentuk yaitu bentuk formal dan informal. Berikut contohnya :
- Expressions :
- I’d like you to meet Thomas
- I’d like to introduce to Gina
- This is Mr. Gamara, This is Mr. Pabola
- Have you met Mr. Rocky?
- May I introduce to Mrs. Melinda
- Ladies and gentlemen, it’s my pleasure to introduce to our new manager Mr. Robertho Kafiar.
2. Responses
- How do you do?
- Pleased to meet you
- Nice to meet you
Basic Questions to Answer are :
- What is her/his name?
- Where does she/he lives?
- Where does she/he come from?
- What’s her/his hobby?
- How many brother and sister does she/he have?
1. Complete the dialogue below
Tony : Hi. ……………….(1), This is Riska, my wife.
Jane : Hello, Riska. Glad to ………(2) you
Riska : Glad to meet ….. …….(3)
Jane :………………………………….(4)
Riska : I am from Sentani.
Jane : ……………………., (5) too.
2. Make short dialogue about introducing others.You can use formal or informal expressions.
4. Practice the dialogue, record and send it to your college English teacher.
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