If I Do, And If I Did

Saat ini kita masih membahas grammar atau tata bahasa if and wish bagian 1.
Kali ini tentang penggunaan if I do ….and if I did.
Maria has lost her watch, She tells Kima (Maria kehilangan jam tangannya. Dia berkata kepada Kima):
1). Maria : I’ve lost my watch. Have you seen it everywhere? (Jam tangan saya hilang, apakah kamu melihatnya di suatu tempat?)
Kima : No, but if I find it, I will tell you. (Tidak, tapi jika saya menemukannya, saya akan mengabari kamu).
On the example above, Kima feels there is a real possibility that she will find the watch, so she says…. (Dari contoh di atas, Kima merasa ada kemungkinan dia akan menemukan jam tangan itu, sehingga dia berkata) (If I find, I will tell you/jika saya menemukannya, saya akan….)
2). Abraham says : if I found a 10 $ in this street, i’d take it to the police station.
This is a different type of solution. Here, Abraham doesn’t expect to find 10$ in the street. (Ini adalah tipe solusi yang berbeda. Disini, Abraham tidak mengharapkan untuk menwmukan uang 10$ di jalan)
He is imagining a situation that will probably not happen. so he says : if I found …I’d (I would) …not if I find …I will…). (Dia sedang membayangkan sebuah situasi yang kemungkinan tidak akan terjadi, sehingga dia berkata, if I found …I’d (I would) …not if I find …I will…).
When you imagine something like this, you use if +past (if I found/if there was/we didn’t, etc). But the meaning is not past.(Ketika anda membayangkan sesuatu seperti ini, anda menggunakan if +past, tapi artinya tidak past/lampau).
- What would you do if you won this project auction (we don’t really expect to this happen) (Apa yang kamu lakukan jika kamu menang lelang proyek ini?).
- I don’t really go to the school exhibition, but i will probably go (saya tidak terlalu niat ingin pergi ke pertunujukan sekolah, tapi mungkin saya akan pergi)
- If there was or if there were football competation tomorrow, who would you give your support (jika ada perlombaan sepakbola besok, kamu dukung siapa?).
We do not normally use “would” in the if-part of the sentence :
- I’d be very frightened if I not be myself. (not If I would)
- I I didn’t go to work, they would be upset (not if I wouldn’t go)
But, you can use if ….would when you ask somebody to do something.
- I would be grateful if you would let me know report as soon as ppossible.
In the othe partt o the sentence (not the if-part) we use would (‘d) / wouldn’t :
- If you took more practice, you would win
- I am not tired, If I went to bed now, I wouldn’t sleep
- Would you mind if I use your scissors?
Could and might are also possible :
- If tou took more practice you might win
Do not use “when” in sentences like thise on this page :
- My teacher would be upset if I didn’t do my homework. (not when I didn’t)
- What would you do if you hit yourself? (not when you were hit).
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