If I Had Known, I Wish I Had Known

Hi good students, di bagian ini kita akan bahas bagian ketiga dari penggunaan “if and wish”.
Yuk, simak penjelasannya!
Pelajari contoh berikut ini :
Last month Donal was in a hospital because of Covid-19, Gonius his best friend didn’t know this, so he didn’t go to visit him. They met a few days ago in Tropical Cafe, Gonius said : (Bulan lalu, Donal dirawat di rumah sakit karena Covid-19, Gonius teman baiknya tidak tau hal ini, sehingga dia tidak pergi menjenguknya. Mereka bertemu beberapa hari lalu di Cafe Tropikal, Gonius berkata)
If had known you were in hospital, I would have gone to see you. (Jika saya tau kamu masuk rah sakit, saya akan menjenguk kamu).
Gonius said : If I had known you were in hospital……. That tells us that he didn’t know Donal was in hospital. ( Gonius berkata : jika saya tau kamu masuk rumah sakit……hal ini menceritakan kepada kita bahwa Gonius tidak tau Donal masuk rumah sakit).
- We use if +had (‘d) ….to talk about the past (if I had known/been/done):
- I didn’t see you when you pass me on the workshop. If I had seen you, of course I would have saih hi. (but I didn’t see you). (Saya tidak lihat kamu ketika kamu lewat di depan bengkel. jika saya melihat kamu, saya akan sapa hai. (tapi saya tidak melihat kamu)).
Compare :
- I am not tired. if I was tired, I would take a rest. (now)
- I wasn’t tired. I I had been tired, I would have taken a rest. (past)
- Do not use “would” in the if-part of the sentence. We use “would” innthe other part of the sentence:
- If I had seen you, I would said hi (not, if I would have seen you)
Note that ‘d can be as would or had
- If I’d seen you, (I’d seen=I had seen)
- I’d have said hi (I’d have said =I would have said).
- We use had (done) in the same way after “wish”. I wish something had happened = I am sorry that it didn’t happen:
- I wish I had known that Donal was ill. I would have gone to see him. (but I didn’t know). (saya harap saya tau Donal sakit. Saya akan pergi menjenguknya (tapi saya tidak tau).
- I feel sick. I wish I had eaten so much rendang. (I ate too much rendang). (saya merasa sakit. saya telah makan terlalu banyak rendang)
- Do you wish you had trained hard for worksheet competation? (you didn’t train giat). (Apakah kamu telah berlatih keras untuk lomba LKS?, kamu tidak berlatih giat)
- Do not use “would have”….after “wish”:
- She was fever while we were away. I wish it had been fine. (not I wish it would have been fine)
- Compare would (do) and would have done (done):
- If I had gone to the meeting yesterday, I would be tired now (I am not tired now)
- If I had gone to the meeting yesterday, I would have given my report. (I didn’t give my report).
- Compare would have, could have and might have :
- She hadn’t been fever so bad, we would have gone out
- She hadn’t been fever so bad, we could have gone out. (we would have been able to go out).
- She hadn’t been fever so bad, we might have gone out. (perhaps we would have gone out).
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