Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMA/SMK

Soal-Soal Procedure Text

                             Sumber Gambar :

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Berikut adalah soal-soal procedure text :

A. Choose the correct answer

    1.  Jane : Tina. Do you know how to start copier machine?

        Tina    : Sure. ……

  1. First, Press the button, plug the cable
  2. First, plug the cable, switch off the machine
  3. Switch on the machine, then press the copy button
  4. Switch on the machine , then Lift the feeder and check the glass to make sure that there is no dirt, marks, or other items left on top of the glass.
  5. First, plug the cable, then press the button. It’s ready to use

2. Ina : My father has a  cassette player, but I do not know how to operate it.   Can you help me?

    Lika:  Yes, of course…

  1. First, Insert the plug, then put the cassette into the cassette compartment,  finally, press the play button
  1. First, put the cassette into the cassette compartment, then press the play button
  2. First, insert the plug, then press the play button, finally, put put the cassette into the  cassette compartment
  1. First, put put the cassette into the cassette compartment, then, press the play button
  1. First, Insert the plug, then press the play button, finally, put the cassette into  the cassette compartment.
  1. Mega : Do you know what is the first step to join zoom meeting?

        Gina     : Sure…

  1. First, click join meeting, enter ID meeting, finally, click zoom application
  2. First, click zoom application, then, click join meeting, finally, enter ID meeting
  3. First, click zoom application, then, click join meeting, finally, enter name of meeting
  4. First, click zoom application, then, click join meeting, finally, end of meeting
  5. First, click zoom application, then, share screen, finally, enter ID meeting

4. The following description is how to get started on whatsapp messenger

  1. Read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
  2. Register
  3. Download and launch the app
  4. Set up your profile
  5. Start a chat
  6. Allow access to contacts and photos

The correct steps are :

  1. 3-4-1-2-6-5
  2. 5-6-1-4-3-2
  3. 3-1-2-4-6-5
  4. 5-4-1-3-2-6
  5. 2-5-1-4-2-3
  1. The manager : Have understood how to operate this machine?

         The employee : ………….

    The manager  : If you have problem, just ask me.

    The employee : Ok. Sir.

  1. Yes, You have
  2. Yes, I have
  3. Yes, I did
  4. No, I do not
  5. No, I have

B. Choose one :

  • How to fix motorcycle
  • How to change engine oil
  • How to draw simple house
  • How to make bolts
  • How to install electricity at simple house
  • How to fix fan
  • How to install computer
  • How to measure road


Delyana Tonapa

I am Delyana