Used To (Do) Biasanya, Dulu

A. Study this situation
- Present (now) and Past
- Mr. Frensis doesn’t come late to the workshop, he used to late to work. (Tuan Frensis tidak datang terlambat ke bengkel, Biasanya dia datang terlambat/dia dulu datang terlambat)
- He fixs two car in a day, he used to fix one car a day. (Dia memperbaiki dua mobil dalam sehari, biasanya dia memperbaiki satu mobil saja dalam sehari).
- The carpenters order two cubic metres, they used to order more than five cubic metres. (tukang kayu itu memesan satu kubik kayu, biasaya mereka memesan lebih dari lima kubik).
- The man works too slow, he used to work fast and efficiency. (Pria itu bekerja terlalu lambat, biasanya dia bekerja cepat dan efisien)
- Mr. Robert prefers use pliers to strip cable , he used to use knife or cutter. (Tuan Robert memilih tang untuk mengupas kabel, biasanya dia menggunakan pisau atau cutter).
B. Something used to happen = it happen regularly in the past, but no longer happens :
- I used to yoga a lot, but I don’t do very often now (Saya dulu sering Yoga, tetapi saya tidak sering melakukannya sekarang)
- I used to think smartphone was unfriendly for students, but now I realize it’s very useful for everybody. (saya dulu berfikir bahwa handphone/smartphone tidak baik/tidak aman untuk siswa (i), tetapi sekarang saya sadar bahwa handpone berguna bagi semua orang)
- Do you climb power pole to fix cable much? , not now, but I used to. (Apakah kamu selalu memanjat tiang listrik untuk memperbaiki kabel?, tidak sekarang, tapi dulu)
We use used to ……for things that we were true, but are not true anymore
- This building is now classroom, it used to be a mapping survey building. (Bangunan ini sekarang digunakan sebagai ruang kelas, dulunya ini bangunan jurusan survey pemetaan)
- I have started wear mask while working, I never used to were mask. (Saya sudah mulai menggunakan masker sambil bekerja, dulunya saya tidak pernah menggunakan masker)
C. ‘I used to do something’ is past. There is no present form. you can say ,I use to do”. to talk about the present, use the present simple (I do)
Past : He used to use sandpaper to smoothen the surface
Present : He uses
- He used to spend his time in cafeteria, but now he spend his time in labrary. (Biasanya dia menghabiskan waktunya di kantin, tetapi sekarang dia menghabiskan waktunya di perpustakaan)
D. The normal question form is did (you) use to…?
- Did you use Glasspaper for wood working when you were carpenter? (Apakah anda menggunakan kertas kaca untuk mengerjakan permukaan kayu ketika anda menjadi seorang tukang kayu?).
The negative form is didn’t use to (use not to… also possible):
- I didn’t like this project. or I used not to like this project
E. Compare I used to do and I was doing :
- I used to watch movie a lot
- I was watching TV movie when you phoned me last night
F. Do not confused I used to do and I am used to doing
- I used to repair car alone (I repaired car alone in the past but no longer do this)
- I was used to repaing car alone ( I repair alone, and I don’t find difficult because I’ve been repairing car alone for some time).
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