Simple Present Tense.

Hi. How are you? I hope you are in a good condition.
Ini adalah pertemuan keempat kita, sebelumnya materi kita adalah Self Introduction, lalu Introducing Others yang disertakan dengan Pronouns. Sekarang kita akan lanjut dengan materi baru yaitu simple present tense, namun Jika anda masih belum mengerti materi yang telah kita bahas atau anda belum lulus dari materi sebelumnya, sebaiknya kembali ke materi sebelumnya atau hubungi dosen untuk mendapatkan penjelasan lebih lanjut.
Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense
Ada beberapa pengertian simple present tense, yaitu;
1. Menyatakan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa yang terjadi pada waktu sekarang.
Example :
a. I work hard today
b. She helps us to finish the project
c. Covid-19 cases and deaths go up in Jayapura.
2. Menyatakan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa yang fakta
Example :
a. My father is generous
b. Jayapura is the capital of Papua Province
c. Coronavirus is a type of germ that causes harm
3. Menyatakan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa yang berulang-ulang kali terjadi.
Example :
a. I work everyday
b. Mr. Billy goes to Puncak Jaya twice a year
c. We have breakfast every morning.
Rumus Simple Present
Subject + Verb 1 (s/es) + O or Subject + be + adjective/noun
Tugas Simple Present Tense.
A. Read the text and answer the questions below!
A Day in My Life
Hello, My name is Yakobus. My day usually begins at five o’clock every morning. I get up, I do some exercise for about thirty minutes. After that, I take a bath and have breakfast with my family. I usually have boiled cassava and tea. At six thirty, I leave to work.
I ride motorcycle to work. It takes thirty minutes to get my office from my house. I start to work from seven thirty until three o’clock in the afternoon. After that I go to campus and start to study from four o’clock until six o’clock in the evening. Because of Coronavirus, I study online at the office.
I usually reach home at seven o’clock. When I get home, I take a bath and wash my clothes. After that, I have dinner and watch televison or continue doing my homework or reading a book. If I have a leisure time, I go out with my friends or meet friends via zoom or teams. I generally go to bed at ten o’clock every night.
- What time does Yakobus get up?
- What does Yakobus do after take a bath?
- How does Yakobus go to work?
- Why does Yakobus study at office?
- Does Yakobus go to bed before ten p.m?
B. Write your daily activities.
C. Rewrite one of your friend daily activities.
D. Read your daily activities clearly, record and send it to your college teacher.
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