Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII SMA/SMAK

Soal-Soal Cause And Effect II

Sumber Gambar :

A. Choose the best answer

1.The girl hid behind her mother …….she was afraid of the snake.

    1. because
    2. and
    3. or
    4. So
    5. yet

2. ….the landslide had made the region around Palopo unsafe for living, the villagers were willing to transmigrate.

  1. Since
  2. Until
  3. So that
  4. In order that
  5. Whereas

3. Alfriani : ‘Mom, why do you insist on my wearing jaket?’

     Mom    : ‘……it is going to be cold outside’.

  1. Since
  2. Until
  3. So that
  4. Although
  5. Because 

4. There was nothing for lunch,………………,we had to go to the tradisional market.

  1. therefore
  2. however
  3. besides
  4. moreover
  5. otherwise

5. Jane : ‘Her three dance show were not good enough’.

   Lala : ‘ You are right. ……………….., She has contacted Tom, a dancing    trainer, for her next shows

  1. in addition
  2. therefore
  3. so that
  4. in spite of
  5. moreover

6. Conditions in Masamba, Palopo after flood were concerned ……many refugees have had not houses.

  1. what
  2. why
  3. that
  4. when
  5. how

7. Tina : What did your Grandmother say when you told her you had lost all your money

    Sisil : She was so angry………….She could not say anything

  1. due to
  2. when
  3. that
  4. after
  5. therefore

8. Rika : Why did not you print the report at Joko’ home?

   Tony : He ran out of ink for his printer. it’s …..expensive that we can’t afford it.

  1. so
  2. such an
  3. such
  4. very
  5. very much

9. Grandfather was so happy about his harvest………he promised to take me to Dinda Restaurant

  1. although
  2. that
  3. since
  4. until
  5. when

10. ‘She was late because she caught the wrong taxi’ means ‘ she caught the wrong taxi….she was late.

  1. so
  2. that
  3. so that
  4. when
  5. although

B. Explain the differences of

  1. although
  2. so
  3. that
  4. moreover
  5. since
  6. in spite of

Baca Juga :

  1. Soal Cause Effect 1
  2. Soal Cause Effect 2
  3. Materi Dan Soal Cause Effect


Delyana Tonapa

I am Delyana