Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA/SMK

Materi Dan Soal Self-Introduction Vokasi

Sumber Gambar :

Hi, na ana SMK. Apa kabar kalian. Kalian anak baru, kan?,

Bagaimana rasanya meninggalkan seragam putih biru dan sekarang, menggunakan seragam putih abu-abu?,

Apakah kalian tidak sabar  ingin memakai pakaian praktek juga?, sabar yah, kasus virus Covid-19 masih banyak , antusias dan  kebebasan kalian dibatasi dulu yah? Hehehe. Tetapi semangat belajar tetap membara, yah, harus!.

Materi awal kalian adalah Self-Introduction.

Yuk, kita mulai.

What will you say, if you meet someone new sitting next to you?,

Minimal, kalian akan katakan “hai, ko nama sapa?”, dan mungkin kalian masih dengan sedikit malu, or stay cool, maklum siswa (i) baru. hehehe.

Sebelum lanjut, simak penjelasan di video berikut ini :


Well, untuk lebih jelasnya, yuk simak penjelasannya :

Definition Of Self-Introduction

Self-Introduction atau yang paling sering dikenal Introducing myself (memperkenalkan diri sendiri) adalah usaha menyampaikan data diri sendiri kepada orang lain.

Data yang dimaksud adalah hal-hal yang umum, seperti nama, alamat, sekolah, dan lain-lain.

Sementara info pribadi yang dirasa privacy, dapat diberitahukan kepada teman yang dirasa sudah cukup akrab.

Expressions of Self-Introduction

Ungkapan yang sering digunakan untuk memperkenalkan diri sudah pernah saya jelaskan di :

Di sana ada contoh-contoh ungkapan memperkenalkan diri dalam bentuk formal dan informal, bahkan ada juga soal – soal self-introduction.

Yuk, baca-baca sebagai referensi.

Berikut contoh-contoh ungkapan memperkenalkan diri :

  • On this occasion, allow me to make an introduction  who I am. My name is….
  • Good morning everyone. My name is….
  • Hello, let me introduce my self. My name is…..
  • Good morning all.  I am …..
  • Hi, I am ……

Responses Of Self-Introduction

  • Nice to meet you
  • Glad to know you
  • How do you do?

Example Of Self- Introduction

1. On this occasion, allow me to make an introduction  who I am. My name is Bartolinus Lam. I am 15 years old. I am 1st grade students at Vocational high school 3 technology and engineering Jayapura.

My field of study is technology and engineering. My program of study is outomotive engineering, my competency of study is light vehicle engineering.

My ambition is I want to be mechanic. My hobbies are reading a book and assemble things. I have  2 siblings who are still in junior high school. My father is civil servant and my mother is a house wife.

2. Good morning. I’d like to introduce myself. I am Remina Pemo. I am 16 years old. I am from Genyem, but I live in Entrop with my sister, Jonina.

I study at vocational high school 3 technology and engineering Jayapura. I am 1st grade. My program of study is computer and network engineering and my ambition are programmer and game developer.

I have one  sister, but I have no brother. My father is policeman and my mother is knitting Noken bag.

3. Maya : Hi, I am Maya

    Lusy : I am Lusy. 

    Maya : Nice to meet you.

    Lusy : Nice to meet you too.

Task (Tugas)

A. Read the text carefuly.

Hi everyone, My name is Junius Pigawi. My nick name is Nius. I am fifteen years old. I am from Dekai. I am a student. My program of study is geomatics engineering. My hobby is watching movie and my ambition is  a land surveyor

Now, answer the questions below.

1. What’s Junius Pigawi?
2. What’s his nick name?
3. How old is he?
4. Where does he come from?

5. What does he study?

6. What’s his hobby?

B. Introduce yourself. Record and send it to your teacher.

Jangan lupa kunjungi channel YouTube saya (Del Channel Ok) untuk melihat materi Bahasa Inggris yang lain.


Delyana Tonapa

I am Delyana