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Materi Dan Soal Introducing Others Vokasi

Sumber Gambar :

Introducing others atau memperkenalkan orang lain adalah kegiatan memperkenalkan seseorang, seperti teman atau saudara kepada orang lain.

Materi ini adalah lanjutan dari self-introduction, jika kalian tertinggal tentang penjelasan memperkenalkan diri, silahkan kembali KE SINI.

This is …… atau ini adalah…….

merupakan contoh ungkapan sederhana untuk memperkenalkan seseorang.

Adapun contoh ungkapan lainnya seperti :

  • Let me introduce my friend to you, his/her name is….. (izinkan saya memperkenalkan teman saya kepada anda, namanya adalah …..)
  • Hi, his/her name is……….. She is my classmate. (Hai, namanya adalah ….. dia adalah teman kelas saya).
  • Hi all, meet my sister, Rebeca. ( Hai semua. Kenalkan saudari saya, namanya adalah Rebeca)
  • I’d like to introduce my new neighbor. His/her name is…..(Saya ingin memperkenalkan tetangga baru saya. Namanya adalah ….)
  • First of all, I would like to introduce you to my brother, Nilo. He is……(Pertama-tama, saya ingin memperkenalkan kepada anda saudara saya, Nilo. Dia adalah…..)

Baca juga :

Materi Introducing Others

Sebelum lanjut yuk simak penjelasan di video berikut ini :

Berikut adalah respon setelah diperkenalkan seseorang:

  • Nice to meet you
  • Glad to know you
  • Happy to know you
  • How do you do?
  • Pleased to meet you

Semua arti dari respon di atas adalah senang bertemu atau berkenalan dengan anda.

Example :

Dialogue 1

Ruth: Tona, I would like to introduce you to one of my old friends, Yoka. (Tona, saya ingin memperkenalkan kawan lama kepada kamu).

Tona: Hello, Yoka. I’m Tona. (Halo, Yoka. Aku Tona.)

Yoka: Nice to meet you, Tona. How long have you known each other? (Senang bertemu denganmu, Tona. Sudah berapa lama kalian saling kenal?)

Tona: Since we were high school friends. Then we got in the same college and major. Then… we just met again after graduated. (Kami berteman sejak SMA, lalu lanjut pada saat kami kuliah dan jurusan kami pun sama. Setelah itu kami baru ketemu lagi setelah kami lulus kuliah).

Dialogue 2.

Mey : Hi, How’s life?

Gina : life is good, and you?

Mey : Fine, thank you. Meet my brother Gily.

Gina : Hi, Gily. Happy to know you.

Gily : Happy to know you, too Gina.

Dialogue 3

Rulo : Hi. This is Melo. He is my classmate. He studies at Vocational high school 6 Jayapura. His program of study is mechanical engineering. He is  from Sentani, but he lives in Polimak, Jayapura.

All friends of Rulo : Hi, Melo. Happy to know you.

Melo : Happy to know you too, guys.

Task (Tugas).

Choose the correct answer

1. Rema : This is Titanius, an old friend of mind.

Runa : ……….

  1. It’s a nice day
  2. How happy you are
  3. May he knows our name?
  4. How do you do?
  5. Really, I know you very well

2. Sofia : Topan ……..

Topan : Pleased to mewt you.

Runa   : Pleased to meet you too.

  1. This is Sofia
  2. I am Sofia
  3. You are lucky today
  4. Please come on time
  5. This is Runa

3. Yohan : ……… My name is Regina

Ilius : Hello. I am Ilius, Glad to know you.

Yohan : Glad to know you too

  1. I think, I haven’t met you before
  2. How are you?
  3. Do you know her?
  4. Happy to know you
  5. Hi everyone

4. Harly : Allow me to introduce my self. I am Harly pegay. I am From Serui. My program of study is construction dan property.

Yuno : ……….

  1. Nice to know her
  2. Nice to know you
  3. It’s nice, isn’t it?
  4. You are cool
  5. You are great

5. Alfredo : He is Hilow, …….

Junior : Hi Hilow, how do you do?

Hilow : How do you do too.

  1. He is John, my best friend
  2. He is my classmate
  3. He is your best friend
  4. You are kind-hearted
  5. You are my friend

Baca Juga :

Soal-Soal Introducing Others

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Delyana Tonapa

I am Delyana